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Mobile Apps Overview


Mobile apps have been at the forefront of digital marketing for well over a decade, yet many businesses fail to move into the mobile app space. 

gra mobile apps


This oversight forfeits the ability to directly connect and engage with your #1 customers and fans.


With over 30 built-in features, our mobile app content management system will put the power of direct contact with your customers - in the palm of your hand.


From push notifications to contests and loyalty programs, our app system has you covered. 


Take reservations and appointment bookings, or sell your products and services directly from your app.


Integrate with your website, social media channels, and trusted eCommerce platforms.


Our apps are a live system where you can log in to your control panel and use a simple interface to add new content and make changes.


Send out a push notification or add a contest with a few clicks, then engage and monitor your audience.


Click Here to learn more about the built-in features.


Click Here to take one of our apps for a test-drive.


Click Here to learn more about Radio Streaming Apps.